Wrinkle Relaxer Treatment: Can It Really Make a Difference?

Do you have a few too many frown lines and wrinkles you find annoying? If so, you are not alone. Both young and older have sun damage that only seems to deepen with time. Wrinkles can cause you to appear tired and even angry, but most of us hope to avoid surgical options for as long as we can. To maintain a subtle agelessness, softening some of those lines can yield natural, refreshed results. The goal is not to appear artificial or unrecognizable. Wrinkle relaxer treatment allows you to look like you with fewer wrinkles, and thanks to Botox® injections, both women and men can achieve a smoother complexion within a few minutes.
Number One Since 2002
Botox® received the thumbs up from the FDA 17 years ago for cosmetic use as a wrinkle relaxer. Since that moment, the world’s number one injectable has never looked back and remains the top aesthetic treatment out there. Why? The wrinkle relaxer treatment works exceptionally well to soften and hide common wrinkles and frown lines on the face and/or neck.
The serum is not a filler that plumps up your wrinkles. Instead, the injections act as a temporary wrinkle disabler by directly blocking the facial nerves that tell your muscles to contract. The cosmetic treatment will keep your wrinkles and frown lines at bay for up to four months. After that, your wrinkles will become noticeable once again. To maintain a wrinkle-free image, you would need another treatment session.
Amazing Wrinkle Smoother
Botox® as a wrinkle relaxer treatment can offer excellent facial rejuvenation. For example, the serum can treat the forehead lines and make them barely visible. It can also slay those pesky two frown lines between the eyebrows.
A lot of women like the treatment for zapping their crow’s feet by the outer eye to avoid wrinkling when smiling. In addition, the injections can improve the lipstick lines at the upper lip and smooth out any chin dimpling. Bunny lines at the bridge of the nose can also be concealed.
An expert injector can place the injections in the vertical bands to create a younger-looking neck.
Botox® doesn’t kick in immediately, however, but within three days, you will begin to see the potent serum soften your lines. When two weeks go by, the full smoothing effects will be noticeable.
If you’re seeking one of the most sophisticated ways to appear younger and refreshed, then the world’s number one wrinkle relaxer treatment can help you get there. Here at Soulage Wellness and Aesthetic Center in Bastrop, TX, we take pride in our incredible team of aesthetic experts. They have the skills and knowledge in all advanced cosmetic treatments. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
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